Basic Points for Graphic Designer

 Are you interested to doing graphic design? Then you should maintain the most 7 basic rules From Graphic Design with Sohel which are very important for designers.


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1.         KISS   Keep it simple, stupid (KISS) - is a phrase that was coined by kelly Johnson, lead engineer at the Lockheed skunk works, in 1960. KISS has become a will known principle’s meaning isn’t difficult to understand and very similar to less is more. Don’t overcomplicate your valuable design keep it very simple but professional. Accuracy is most important for graphic designer. A clean and simple design is focused on the audience and buyers and give clear message about your skill. Just for example, more than three colors, more than two or three fonts, design elements that don’t contain any message at all or break a long text into paragraphs or others. All design elements need to serve a purpose. If you require the elements to understand the design please ask yourself. 

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2.         Golden Ratio     The golden ration describes a mathematical rule to make proportions derived from nature. These proportions are believed to be pleasing to the eye and make balance because we can find them everywhere around us, even in ourselves. Create a new grid in your workshop based on the golden ratio. I create grid in adobe illustrator and use it almost always when we make creative solutions, logos, brandings, flyer and others visual content. All the point are calculated properly. If you want use the rule of thumb (if you like). By using, it becomes more easier for you to see where to keep elements of your attractive design, how long or big you want a photo to be or where to leave whitespace. Mainly use this golden ratio rule to create good balance by finding the original proportions

3.         Whitespace                If you design anything the most important factor is white space, or it also called negative space. The space between the elements in your design is white space. Space isn’t filled with the text, photos or graphics. White space doesn’t means to be white. It become a colored background or textured, as long as it doesn’t hold any elements of content or design. Every designer almost faces the same problem which disagreement with the buyer about white space.

4.    Rules of Third

5.    Creative font

6.    Scale Proportionally 

7.    Hierarchy 

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